
Christian education is a great strength at First Church.

Children are welcome in worship or can participate in activities designed just for them. Each Sunday the children can engage in worship, scripture memorization, bible stories, games, and crafts in both large and small group settings all designed to help them grow in their faith and understanding of our amazing and awesome God. Check out all that we offer.

Check In

Upon arrival, you will manually check in your child at either KidCheck kiosk near the Narthex or Scheidt Room. Alternatively, you can use the KidCheck app to check in your child to Sunday School and AWE before you leave the house and when you approach the Narthex kiosk, your phone’s bluetooth will register and your labels will print automatically. You will receive two labels, one for the child to wear and one for you to keep. After Sunday School, you will return to your child’s classroom and show your tag in order for your child to be released. Get the app below.

First Church is a Safe Sanctuary. Our Safe Sanctuary policies and procedures are for the protection of our children, youth, employees, volunteers and our entire church family.

Sunday School

With our “Hyfi” Sunday School curriculum, kids ages preschool through fifth grade will learn that here you feel included and here you find identity. Kids in grades K-5th will meet in a large group setting in the Cinema Room for opening activities and then move to their classrooms for age appropriate small group discussions, games, and crafts.

When: Sunday Mornings, 9:00am - 10:00am, September through May
Where: Upstairs, Preschool Room, K-2 Grade Room, 3rd - 5th Grade Room
Contact: Cristi Laukhuf

AWE - Alternative Worship Experience

During service, children preschool through fifth grade have an opportunity to build their relationship with Jesus through uplifting songs and impactful Bible lessons by attending our large group Alternate Worship Experience. Children will be released to AWE after our time of opening praise and worship and return to the Sanctuary during Offering. AWE will not meet Communion Sundays which is the first Sunday of the month. For those children wishing to stay in service, worship kits are available in the Narthex.

When: Sundays during service, year round
Where: Scheidt Room
Contact: Cristi Laukhuf


We love to have infants and toddlers in worship. However, if you need to step out with your child, you will find our nursery space off the Narthex. This unstaffed room allows you to continue to listen to the service while giving your child the attention they need.  

Children's Events

First Church provides additional opportunities for children during the year such as the Blessing of Backpacks, Bible Presentations to Third Graders, the Christmas Musical, Parents’ Night Out, VBS, and more. See what events are coming up.

In addition to all these opportunities, First Church also runs a Christian based, state licensed preschool.

Family Resources

RightNow Media

First Church subscribes to RightNow Media, an online Bible Study resource of thousands of videos. Some of our Sunday school classes have taken advantage of these studies, but you can view any of them at home as well for your personal Bible study. There is an entire section for children as well! Please email the church office to request an account.

Little Shoots, Deep Roots

Community helping parents lead kids to a deeper Christian faith through little faith habits.

Parenting in the Pew: Guiding Your Children into the Joy of Worship

Children are at church for the same reason as their parents: for the privilege of worshiping God. This book is a guide to helping your children find the joy in worship.

The Bible App


Resources aiming to help families succeed by creating Biblical resources that build strong marriages, confident parents, empowered kids and healthy leaders.